Whether you're a current well owner or are considering having one put in, it's important that you educate yourself about the kind of upkeep it will need in order to remain functional. And like so many other systems around your home, your well and well pump require both home and professional maintenance on a regular basis if they're to remain at the top of their game.
In fact, scheduling regular inspection and maintenance by an expert can help you avoid a lot of common problems. Here are some common well problems that can often be avoided by performing regular maintenance.
1. Contamination of Drinking Water and Groundwater
Sometimes well water contamination occurs naturally; for example, there may be naturally occurring salt or arsenic in the groundwater. But several other types of contamination can occur when the well isn't working correctly, often because of neglect.
For example, if the seal fails or the well casing is corroded and compromised, contaminants such as bacteria can get into the water. The same can be true of a compromised well cap that isn't caught and corrected right away. Worn bearings can allow sand to enter the water supply.
Not only is contamination hazardous to you and your family if you depend on your water well for drinking, cooking, and cleaning, it's also damaging to the environment. If bacteria or chemicals enter the groundwater through your well, they can pollute the entire aquifer your well draws from.
2. Supply Line Failure
The main pipe that takes water from the well to your house can fail over time, often due to corrosion, freezing, or tree root infiltration. Some symptoms you may notice include:
Puddling or marshy spots between the house and the well
Air bubbles in your water
Unexplained increase in water usage
A short cycling water pump
Scheduling regular inspections by a professional can often help you monitor any deterioration of the piping so that repairs and replacements occur before catastrophic failure forces you to make a call for emergency repairs.
3. Mechanical or Electrical Failure
If your well pump seems to have power and it's turning on or making sounds like it wants to turn on, and yet it's pumping no water, a mechanical problem is likely. If the pump won't turn on, there could be a problem such as a blown capacitor in your pump controller.
Regular well pump inspections include checking for worn components in order to replace them before they fail and leave you with no drinking water. For example, an expert can determine whether the start capacitor in your pump's controller is starting to reach the end of its useful life, then replace it before it causes a real problem.
4. Insurance Coverage Problems
Your insurance plan may stipulate that you have to do a certain amount of upkeep in an attempt to prevent problems. The insurance company knows a neglected well is more likely to fail. So even if your well has problems that aren't directly caused by neglect, your insurance claim could be rejected if you've skipped regular maintenance.
While regular maintenance isn't magical and can't prevent problems 100% of the time, a well expert can often prevent the issues listed here by replacing worn parts, correcting small problems before they blow up into huge ones, and giving you advice on home maintenance.
If you live in the Charlotte area or anywhere nearby and you need help with an existing or future well, contact us to discuss any well drilling projects you're considering. McCall Brothers Inc. will be only too happy to advise and assist you. We offer drilling, installation, maintenance, and repairs for both commercial and residential pumping systems.